Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Joshiraku Reviw


anime review- 7.5/10

                   Maybe it's the fact that these episodes get subbed weeks after they are released or because it is mostly "nonsense." but my interest in Joshiraku has decreased, I admit. 

                   Here I go again... Marii's butt is overused and it gets  annoying, like, "You're seriously going to go there again?" I do not like how they treat Gan, it feels like they seriously don't like her. The same goes with Marii sometimes.  Kigu is cute and her dark side is funny, it's darker then Kukuru's but it's more amusing. I started to find Kukuru's depression annoying too. Now that I'm in the "hater" mode I can't stop saying bad things about this show, but don't trust me.

                    I really do enjoy this show and their endless chatter that leads to nowhere is amusing. I find that sometimes my chats end up like that too. A part that I really like about this show is when they all go out and have fun outside of their dressing room. It's refreshing and they all seem like they're having fun~ Their outfits are also very interesting to me, for they always change and most of them are clothes that I would wear. The last episode passed so quickly though, the new supporting character was annoying and that gave me a few laughs here and there but I would've liked to see more of my main cast.

                    Overall, I did have fun watching Joshiraku and that's all that counts. A 7/10 would be too little since I did like the show a lot in the beginning but it's not their fault that the jokes were aimed for the Japanese. Therefore, I think a 7.5 would do for this show. It's to the point where I'm not sure if I want a second season but I wouldn't mind watching it. I think I'll read the manga, though.

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